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The IP Assisant for ASEAN SMEs/MSMEs

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a. Explanation of Needs

In line with the development of science, technology, especially Intellectual Property, it is very important for the development of science, technology and the economy to become better. The large potential of Natural Resources (SDA) and Human Resources (SDI) that Indonesia has is truly extraordinary if it is managed, utilized and empowered properly, where intellectual property as one of the resources owned by humans will provide great benefits for Indonesian nation and society.

The existence of the Indonesian Intellectual Property Office, which is more than a quarter of a century old, has apparently not been able to provide good services to the public, based on current statistical data, the average number of applications for intellectual property rights is still very low compared to other ASEAN countries. Apart from that, the types/services provided by the Indonesian Wealth Office for the national, regional and international community are limited to a service from the DJKI web portal site which only displays the status of an IP application, an FAQ service which is still conventional and does not yet have AI-based services.

Based on current statistical data, the average number of intellectual property applications is increasing, where the services provided by DJKI are now online and DJKI stake holders can access these services on the menu on the official DJKI website, currently the Directorate General of Intellectual Property has 8 (eight) online services for filing Intellectual Property, namely:

  • Online application service for Trademarks and Geographical Indications
  • Online application services for Patents, Integrated Circuit Layout Designs and Trade Secrets
  • Online application service for Copyright and Industrial Design
  • Communal Intellectual Property online application service
  • Information has also become a need that cannot be separated from the activities of the Indonesian Patent Office (DJKI). Obtaining information is a necessity, because by knowing accurate and up to date information, the implementation process, be it patent examination, trademark examination, industrial design examination, and other IP services, can result in more accurate and accountable results, both from a legal and moral perspective.

    Artificial Intelligence-Based Chat Technology Services that integrate Chatbots and DJKI Applications are expected to be able to meet communication needs between the community and the Directorate General of Intellectual Property

    The current information era has become an important momentum for the development of the business world in various fields. Information services that can be accessed anytime and anywhere can provide comfort for users and a good user experience and will really help the development of an institution in establishing good communication with the general public and its users.

    In the realm of web portals and social media, there is an increasing trend in the number of requests related to incoming information. The data is increasing day by day along with the increasing number of DJKI social media followers and the level of awareness of protecting Intellectual Property which also continues to increase.

    Among the benefits of using chatbots in improving public services are:

  • Become an agent/human who will answer every question related to Intellectual Property.
  • The bot remains under the supervision of DJKI officers, if there are questions that are not yet in the data bank.
  • Bots will continue to get smarter the higher the interaction.
  • These are some examples of general or repetitive questions that can be answered by bots to minimize DJKI officers' performance inefficiencies.

    Apart from that, the ASEAN IPR Helpdesk Chatbot Development will also provide services for Intellectual Property Services information in English. Therefore, chatbot technology is considered important to implement considering the many benefits and efficiencies that will be obtained by the public and the Directorate General of Intellectual Property.

    From the description above, the Information Technology Directorate of KI, the Directorate General of KI intends to build an ASEAN IPR Helpdesk Chatbot to facilitate services provided by the Intellectual Property Office for the Community/stakeholders both from within the country and abroad within the scope of ASEAN

    b. Identification of problems
  • There are no services provided by the Intellectual Property Office for the community/stakeholders both from within the country and abroad within ASEAN;
  • 2. Artificial Intelligence-Based Chat Technology Services that integrate Chatbots and DJKI Applications are expected to meet the needs of the Community and the Directorate General of Intellectual Property.
  • c. Purpose and objectives

    The aims and objectives of developing the ASEAN IPR Helpdesk Chatbot Application are to facilitate the services provided by the Intellectual Property Office for the Community/stakeholders for improve the performance of DJKI.

    With the appointment of Indonesia, especially DJKI, to be the Host of the service application which will integrate a web portal by providing features to serve DJKI Stakeholders both from within the country and abroad within the scope of countries in ASEAN, in answering questions and requests for information based on Artificial Intelligence with using Chatbot technology in two languages, Indonesian and English

    The aim of developing the ASEAN IPR Helpdesk Chatbot is to:
  • Integrating information request services in the form of a web portal
  • Providing knowledge management where supporting data will be taken from each KI office in ASEAN countries
  • Providing Artificial Intelligence-based applications in the form of a Chatbot application to help IP office stakeholders from ASEAN countries



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    Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 8-9,
    Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta, Indonesia
    P: 152
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